
Climbing Ranked as Sexiest Sport

Well, it's about time. Climbing has finally been proven to be the most attractive sport to women in a recent study by a British researcher. Now my main motivation for climbing is finally substantiated. We even beat out soccer players. Somehow, climbing also edged out "extreme sports" in the study. Huh? Oh, well. I won't let one minor detail tarnish this important (perhaps even groundbreaking) study.

From matadorsports.com:

A study by a University of Hertfordshire professor suggests that women are especially attracted to men who rock climb.

Working with fitness expert Sam Murphy, Prof. Richard Wiseman polled over 6,000 people to find out which of 15 sports they thought would make a member of the opposite sex more attractive. Climbing topped the list for women with 57%, edging out extreme sports, soccer, and hiking.

Somehow, golf finished second to last, just ahead of aerobics. Go figure.


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