
Sunrise (V7) at Rumbling Bald

Stuart Turner working Sunrise on the Cereal Boulder.

I went out to Rumbling Bald this past Sunday, and though there was a lot of snow on the ground, the rock was dry and crisp. I spent the first half of the day going easy, wary of overdoing it. But then I got caught up in trying to 2 problems on the Cereal boulder with a fun crew of guys listening to techno music. Ah, the sweet motivation of house / trance / jungle beats. I was actually able to send a sweet V6/V7 called 'Sunrise' on the boulder. I guess the yoga and working out are paying off. Or the techno....

I shot some pictures that day, but this video of Zach climbing Sunrise is the coolest stuff I captured. He totally floats most of the climb and makes it look easy...until the top.

Zach on Sunrise (V7) from Frixtion on Vimeo.