12.18.08: Today I met up with Robert H, Chris D. and Ben (hey, Ben--what's your last name?) up at the Wishing Well Area. Chris Had just sent the sit down start to Ned's Arete (normally a V8 from the standing start). He had been working the project for over a year, and this was the climb he badly broke his ankle on a few years back (and got a helicopter ride out of the crag!). So a big congrats to Chris on sending this psychological beast. I think he named the sit "It is Finished"...or something like that.
We then all headed over the below the Cereal wall and climbed Sunny Side Up. Is this thing really V8? You can just reach over the lip and traverse to the top out! It's an eliminate, i guess. It felt like V3 or V4 at best.
We then got on Razor Burn (V8) and Bic (v7). I was able to send Razor Burn from the unofficial starting hold. You can actually start it like 2 moves down the boulder, but it actually detracts from the climb, if you ask me...and it adds little to the difficulty. We all sent Bic after about a half an hour right as the sun was going down. It was great day with temps in the 50s, but dropping quickly as the sun went down.